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Voices of Hodgkin’s Blog
Voices of Hodgkin’s Blog
In The US, Cancer Survivors Form A Vocal Community. In Switzerland, Some Patients Want To Change A Culture of Silence.
NZZ (New Journal of Zurich) –

In the U.S., cancer patients must often be their own health care advocates. This has helped create a community of cancer survivors that offers the long-term support Swiss patients lack. A visit with doctors, activists and patients in Chicago and Bern.

National Standards for Cancer Survivorship Care
National Cancer Institute –

This long-awaited, important document was published just this week. It represents the input of key stakeholders in cancer survivorship and was developed over the course of many months. While the proposed standards are not mandatory, it is, at the very least, a significant attempt to put us on a course of providing optimal care for ALL cancer survivors.

Survivor Views: Majority of Cancer Patients & Survivors Have or Expect to Have Medical Debt
American Cancer Society –

There are some startling statistics presented in this research article from the American Cancer Society – most notably, that nearly 50% of cancer survivors who were studied had or expected to face significant financial debt due to their cancer and cancer treatment, while, at the same time, almost ALL of those same survivors had insurance. What is wrong with this picture you ask? Plenty.

What Does it Take to Harmonize the World’s Hodgkin Lymphoma Data?
Blood Cancers Today –

In the first episode of The HemOnc Pulse in 2024, the lead researchers of the Hodgkin Lymphoma International Study for Individual Care (HoLISTIC) consortium discuss the immense labor and fortitude it took to successfully launch the consortium, which includes a global team of diverse experts focused on the prognosis, epidemiology, treatment, survivorship, and health outcomes in patients with Hodgkin lymphoma.

I’m a ‘Syringe Half-Full’ Kinda Girl
The Irish Times –

Meet Sheilagh Foley, a Hodgkin’s survivor with a familiar tale to tell, and she does it so beautifully. Hodgkin’s International was mentioned as a resource, and we are thrilled to have the “shout out!”

The Rise of the Expert Patient in Cancer: From Backseat Passenger to Co-Navigator
American Society of Clinical Oncology Journal –

Long-term survivors have been using the internet to understand their Late Effects for years. The value of self-advocacy is highlighted in this article.

Life After Cancer: More Survivors Live Longer, Face New Health Challenges
USA Today –

​More cancer patients live longer. Few get the help they need to stay healthy. 50-year Hodgkin Lymphoma survivor, Susan Leigh, describes the challenges of long-term cancer survivors.

Hodgkin’s International Receives $10,000 Grant
Martha's Vineyard Times –

Hodgkin’s International is grateful for the Movement Condo Team and being chosen to be this year’s GraceWorks recipient.

Young Black, Hispanic Hodgkin Lymphoma Patients Face Worse Outcomes: Study
Health Day News –

Hodgkin lymphoma is a form of cancer that starts in white blood cells is often curable. But, poor black and Hispanic young people are less likely to survive the disease than their white peers, a new study shows.