Voices of Hodgkin’s Blog
Voices of Hodgkin’s Blog
Voices of Hodgkin’s Blog
Veteran Survivors: Dealing With the Aftereffects of Cancer
Susan Leigh
It was not too long ago that pairing the word cancer with either survivor or veteran seemed like a contradiction in terms. When I was first diagnosed with Hodgkin’s disease (now Hodgkin Lymphoma) 30 years ago, these terms were simply not a part of the cancer vocabulary.
Long-Term Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Survivors “Meet” for the First Time on Zoom
Last weekend was to have been the first-ever conference organized by Hodgkin’s International, in Boston Massachusetts, but sadly the coronavirus pandemic necessitated postponement. As one of our main goals is to connect people who have been treated for Hodgkin’s lymphoma (HL), it was arranged that we would have a virtual meeting instead, on the same day.