Voices of Hodgkin’s Blog
Voices of Hodgkin’s Blog

Physical Exercise Prevents Nerve Damage Caused by Chemotherapy

This article describes the results of recent study published in the JAMA Internal Medicine. It explores a fairly common side effect of some cancer treaments, “chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy,” or CIPN. More than just an annoying condition, CIPN can have a significant effect on the quality of life for survivors. The study presented here offers some exciting news about possible treatments for this condition.

Follow The Heart

Oncologists and researchers increasingly focus on how to predict, treat and monitor for cardiovascular problems that develop before and after treatment.

Survivorship: A Personal Story

In honor of National Cancer Survivors Day on Sunday, June 2nd, Bag It’s own Mikey Shock has shared her personal journey of coming to terms with being a cancer survivor.

Childhood Cancer Survivors May Benefit From Plant-Rich Foods

Interesting study from the St. Jude Lifetime Cohort (SJLIFE), and originally published int the Journal of Clinical Oncology. The results may not be surprising, but it does appear that a plant-based diet has even more significance for childhood cancer survivors when it comes to premature aging and other health factors. (Note: the term “childhood cancer survivors” may include young adults in their 20’s).

Cancer Survivors “Lost In Transition”

Here is a brief summation of a research study published by the JCO Oncology of Practice (May 24, 2024) that appeared in the Cancer Therapy Advisor. In short, it describes the decline in follow-up care with primary care providers after five years of completing treatment.